The B-R-A-K-E-S Group of Westfield

Kids are
Entitled to

Art Contest & Slogan Contest

Thank you to everyone who entered our contest!!

Our overall winners are-

1st place poster Erica Kamler (1st place High School)

1st place bumper sticker Lexi Brill (1st place Roosevelt)

2nd place bumper sticker Steve Surgent (2nd place High School)

3rd place bumper sticker Diana Goodman (1st place Washington)


1st place Jared Moloshok

2nd place Ben Walker

3rd place Kemeya Koparkar


1st place Victor Wikander

2nd place Michael Wikander

3rd place Natalie Narotzky


1st place Kristen Ditzell

2nd place Justin Lo

3rd place Samantha Ritter


hon. mention Alexa Venditti Nicole Venditti


1st place Deborah Siegel

2nd place Brittney Gallagher

3rd place Emily Chertoff

hon. mention Sara Birkenthal Angela Garone

Westfield H. S.

1st place bumper Paul Kolterjahn

hon. mention Brian Osborn

Thank you to our local merchants for their support in the donation of prizes.

Storytime on Elm, Nirvana, Poppies, Kehler's Athletic Balance.

Come visit the BRAKES Group table this Sunday, Sept. 21 at FestiFall.

Find out more about us and give us your suggestions on how to improve pedestrian, bike and traffic safety in Westfield.

For further questions or informaiton, contact your BRAKES representative or e-mail

Franklin- Debbie Cerami Jefferson, Edison, Tamaques- Sara Strohecker McKinley- Cathy Falzone

Roosevelt- Nancy Stewart Washington- Jane Goodman, Catherine Singley Wilson- Deirdre Gelinne

Westfield H.S.-Lauren Shub

For further questions or information call your school BRAKES representative or e-mail at

Website Donated by Darryl Walker of Westfield, NJ.