Westfield Intermediate Schools
Works Consulted Format


  • List your sources in alphabetical order.
  • Do not number your sources.
  • Begin each entry at the margin and continue to the end

  •     of the line as if you were writing a sentence.
  • If you need a second or third line for an entry indent

  •    five spaces.
  • Skip a line between each entry.
  • Titles of books, magazines, newspapers, pamphlets

  •     and CD-ROMs should be underlined if hand written or
        italicized if word processed.


    Author’s last name, Author’s first name. Title.  City of
            Publishing: Publisher, Date of Publishing. Nardo, Don. The Roman Colosseum. San Diego: Lucent Books,
            1998. Levine, Sharon and Leslie Johnstone. The Microscope Book.
           New York: Sterling Publishing Company, 1996. Anderson, Alan et al. Geology Crafts for Kids. New York:
            Sterling Publishing Company, 1996. Webster’s Intermediate Dictionary.  Springfield: G. and
             C. Merriam Company, 1999. “Solar System.” World Book Encyclopedia. 1999. Coulson, David. “Ancient Art of the Sahara.” National
            Geographic  June 1999:98. “A Bad Day at the Beach.” Newsweek  31 May 1999:4. Safire, William. “The Wrong Way.” New York Times
           14 June 1999:A23. “Enforcing Film Ratings.” USA Today  10 June 1999:13A. Saywell, John. Canada Past and Present. Toronto: Clarke,
             Irwin and Company, 1999. Department of Education. Guide to Intermediate Schools.
            Washington, D.C.: 1999. Devlin, Harry. Personal interview. 22 April 1999. Denver, John. “Rhymes and Reasons.” John Denver’s
            Greatest Hits. New York: RCA  Corporation, 1973.
            Track 5. Eyewitness Encyclopedia of Space and the Universe.
             DK Multimedia. 1996. Macintosh. Include as much of the following information as
    appears within the entire site:

    Author (if known). “Title.” Last date updated or revised
            (if known). URL (date you accessed the site).

    Sullivan, James. “Cells Alive.” 2  March 1999.
           http://www.cellsalive.com/ (14 September 1999).