Miller-Corey House

It is the focus of the Miller-Cory House museum to effectively create the atmosphere of an 18th century farm in the midst of suburban, metropolitan New Jersey. On Sundays, costumed docents describe 18th century life as they guide guests through the house. Visitors are introduced to a variety of colonial skills as trained artisans recreate the crafts and tasks of the 18th and early 19th century farm family. Famous for their appearance in Craig Claiborne's column in the New York Times and in four nationally distributed magazines, the cooks at the Miller-Cory House demonstrate the exacting art of food preparation on the open hearth.

The Museum Shop, open during Museum hours, contains educational materials, colonial reproductions and handcrafts, including cookbooks of colonial recipes prepared by Miller-Cory Volunteers.

The Miller-Cory House Museum is open every Sunday, except holiday weekends, between 2 and 4 p.m. Weekday tours for school and community groups can be arranged by appointment. A nominal admission fee is charged.

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Website Design and Maintenance by Darryl Walker of Westfield, NJ.