Liturgy of the Word
Did you know you attend a Bible Study each week? That is, when you attend Mass. The Liturgy of the Word is the next part of the Mass and the time when we need to be attentive and listen. This is when God speaks to us.

We do not read directly from the Bible; rather, we utilize a Lectionary - a book of `lections' or lessons chosen from Scripture - for the three readings at each Liturgy. The Lectionary readings for Sundays follow a three year cycle; weekdays follow a two year cycle. The 1st reading is generally from the Old Testament and is chosen to illustrate some common or parallel link with the Gospel or it may relate a prophecy fulfilled by that day's Gospel. A Responsorial Psalm follows and voices the sentiments of prayer we should express to God after hearing the 1st reading. The 2nd reading is from the New Testament writings (but not the Gospels). These were often letters to the early fledgling Christian communities (i.e. Churches). The 3rd and most important reading is the Gospel since it is about the life, times and teachings of Jesus.

We stand for the reading of the Gospel as a sign of respect. We greet the Gospel with "Alleluia" (meaning `Praise God!') and trace a cross on our forehead, lips and heart to ask God to open our mind to understand, our mouth to proclaim, and our hearts to love His Word. The Homily or sermon follows and is given by an ordained minister. It should relate the Scripture readings to our lives today. 

God’s Word is His gift to us so we carry the Book of Gospels in during the Processional but not out because we  must take God’s Word with us and put it into action!

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