The purpose of St. Helen's Pastoral Council is to ensure that the life of the parish reflects the mission of Jesus Christ.  By virtue of its purpose, and in light if parish realities, the Council may assume many roles.  The Council is charged with the responsibility to evaluate and renew itself continuously in a spirit of constant renewal and growth to assure that the Christian ideals of the community are maintained and supported.  Parishioners are provided with the opportunity to share in this mission.
President: Mary Ball Cappio
Vice President: Timothy Dooley

Bill Brennan
Ellen Nightingale
Sean Murphy
Elsie Powell
Brian Power
Mary Beth Finn
Matthew Forstenhausler
Michael Fossaceca
Jeffrey Hamilton
  Anne Marie (MiMi) Hartnett
Christina McCabe
Frank Mulvaney

Rev. Msgr. William C. Harms
Rev. Donald E. McLaughlin
Fr. Gerald J. Buonopane

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