You may directly contact the members of Saint Helen's staff in the Parish Center
by dialing the numbers listed below, or you may email them by clicking on their name.
Pastoral Ministry
Rev. Msgr. William C. Harms, Pastor  (Ext. 18)
Rev. Msgr. James A. Burke, Pastor Emeritus
Rev. Msgr. James F. Bouffard, Parochial Vicar (Ext. 23)
Rev. Ted Pieniazek, Parochial Vicar (Ext. 12)
Rev. Mr. Jack Lynch, Permanent Deacon (Ext. 29)
Rev. Thomas Arminio, Weekend Associate
Marilyn Ryan, Pastoral Associate  (Ext. 20)
Religious Education
Mrs. Kathy Dulan, Elementary Grades K-5 (Ext. 14)
Mrs. Cathy Ochs, Elementary Grades 6-8 / Confirmation Programs (Ext. 15)
 Youth Ministry
Patti Gardner, Youth Minister & Peer Minister (Ext. 13)
Matt Toriello, Middle School Youth Minister (Ext. 19)
Music Ministry

Inter-Parochial School
Sister Maureen Fichner, SSJ Principal
Mrs. Leslie Lewis, Early Childhood Director (Pre-K & K)

Counseling Program 


Liz Migneco, L.C.S.W., Counselor  (Ext. 30)
Michael McMahon, L.C.S.W., Counselor  (Ext. 30)
Pastoral Council


Mary Ball Cappio, President
Timothy Dooley, Vice President

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