Westfield Athletic Hall of Fame 


The Westfield Athletic Hall of Fame was established by the Westfield Bicentennial Commission in 1993 to maintain a lasting tribute to sports figures who have dominated their sport and brought fame to the Town of Westfield.

Board of Trustees

The Athletic Hall of Fame shall be managed by a Board of Trustees consisting of a maximum of fifteen and minimum of twelve persons, two-thirds of whom will be residents of Westfield. The initial Trustees were chosen by the Bicentennial Committee. The Athletic Director and the Westfield Senior High School Principal shall serve during their tenure of the jobs. The "other" Trustees shall serve for a term of three years with one-third elected each year.

The Trustees shall consist of the following:

Westfield High School Athletic Director
Westfield High School Principal
Media Representative
Booster Advisory Representative
Community Representatives

The Trustees as of November 1, 2001 are:

Class of 2001

Class of 2002

Class of 2003

Roger Love
Robert Brewster
Sandra Mamary
Carolyn Donner
Robert Petix
Bruce Johnson
Gary Kehler

Lee Hale
Edward Tranchina
Bruce Moran

William Monninger
William Jordan
Glen Kehler

A majority of the members of the Board of Trustees shall constitute a quorum. Each Trustee shall have one vote and such vote may be made by written proxy before the meeting.

The Trustees will select new trustees to replace community representatives, Booster Advisory representative, and media representative whose terms expire or elect to leave.

Principal Place of Business

The principal place of business of the Athletic Hall of Fame is:

Westfield Athletic Hall of Fame
Westfield High School
550 Dorian Road
Westfield, New Jersey 07090

or Gary Kehler: 908-233-5024


Meetings shall be held periodically on Monday 12:00 noon at Westfield High School.

Selection Criteria of Candidates

Demonstrated individual or team sports ability, which brings recognition, acclaim, and civic pride to Westfield.

Qualifications: Olympics, All-American, National Champion, Major Leagues, NFL, All-State, Multi-Sport Champion, Hall of Fame Winning Record, Long Service Record, "Best Team."

Five years elapsed time since high school participation.

Resident of Westfield for at least four years (except coaches, administrators, staff, etc. where residency is not a requirement).

Number of Members Named to Hall of Fame

There will normally be 1-2 coaches, 1 "best team," and 8 individual athletes named at each induction.

While members will normally be Westfield High School graduates, Holy Trinity graduates and Westfield residents who have brought fame to the town can be nominated.

Nomination and Selection of Candidates

Candidates will be solicited from Hall of Fame Committee members, former recipients, coaches, and the community.

The media representative will summarize the vital statistics, records, and qualifications for all nominations.

Candidates will be chosen by ballot of the Westfield Athletic Hall of Fame Trustees. A Trustee will be required to abstain in a vote on his/her candidacy.


There will be a Bi-Annual Hall of Fame dinner where the new members will be honored. (The first dinner was held Monday, November 21, 1994, at The Westwood.)

The new member will receive a plaque showing his/her accomplishments.

The members’ names and accomplishments will be displayed on a Westfield Athletic Hall of Fame wall at Westfield High School.

A commemorative Hall of Fame program will be provided to the member and dinner attendees.

Please Click on one of the following:

| Policy and Procedures | Nomination Form | Hall of Fame Members | Member Profiles |

Website donated by Darryl Walker of Westfield, NJ.